Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A true survivor ….
Hitting a tree on the Colorado slopes 3 years ago left him a broken man. A fractured skull, broken bones and ribs puncturing his lungs were among the injuries he suffered. After a seven day coma, he awoke to a different life. No longer could he smell or taste… those senses were gone and still are. Not a smell or taste can he detect. His fluent speech had disappeared as well and in its place, a broken language with syllables that take time to speak.
Nonetheless, he stood before me… a survivor. A survivor whos real heart and personality has triumphed through tragedy. He’s a truly nice guy who wants people to look beyond his so-called “imperfections”. So now with the help of his friends, he’s on his way to fulfilling his dream of being on the show “Survivor”…. Good luck with your adventure, Troy… I wish you the very best.

1 comment:

  1. Shelley,
    you are more thankful than I can say... The way you are a professional young lady but then the way you became a personal friend to me as a client and giving my story as beauty with your words needs an honored "Thank You".
